Pixel Tracking

Tutorial of Amber Mill with Sean Park Nano 

Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramics Amber Mill


Nano Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramics 'Amber Mill' [NLD] Amber Mill Tutorial with Sean Park Procedure of completing the genuine aesthetics using Amber Mill :)

Let's learn and practice with Sean Park Sean Park / Lab supervisor at Goldstein Garber & Salama Atlanta GA


[Programat CS] Amber Mill Translucency

Amber Mill Tutorial - Programat

CS Temperature & Translucency Optimization tutorial

1. Temperature - Translucency optimization

2. Placing restorations in a furnace

3. Translucency heat - Treatment

4. Result


[VACUMAT] Amber Mill Translucency

Amber Mill Tutorial - VACUMAT


Temperature & Translucency Optimization tutorial



[P500] Amber Mill Translucency

Amber Mill Tutorial 


P500 Temperature & Translucency Optimization tutorial