Pixel Tracking


Dental Mill

CERAMILL MATIK - Time is on your side

Ceramill Matik opens up a still unique segment within the digital dental world. As the first full-service unit, it combines three machines in one. Apart from the actual processing station, the system also performs the functions of a fully automated stock management system as well as a machine cleaning device.

The newly designed 5X machining station. In development, for example, the main focus was on the maximum diversity of indications and materials. Ceramill Matik, therefore, offers innovative processing methods such as the patented carving mode (60 % time-saving), thrilling (production of one-piece abutments) and speed milling of acrylic materials, as well as the maximum material range from hard and brittle block materials to zirconium and PMMA materials and metal materials.


CERAMILL DIGITAL PIECE OF MIND MOTION 3 - One for all. All in one. 5-axis technology

The Ceramill Motion 3 is the gamechanger in in-house production: the world's most intelligent hybrid machine combines excellent production quality and maximum diversity of materials and indications with an end-to-end digital workflow.

With the Ceramill Motion 3, Amann Girrbach has truly established the digital age in dental technology. At the same time, the 5-axis milling unit sets new standards in terms of convenience, process reliability, as well as time and resource efficiency. The Ceramill Motion 3 allows users to concentrate fully on their core business again and automatically analyzes and optimizes workflows due to its smart analysis functions.




CERAMILL IN-HOUSE DNA MOTION 2 - One for all. All in one. 5-axis technology

The Ceramill Motion 2 is a benchmark in terms of the range of indications and materials in-house.  The 5-axis milling unit combines wet and dry processing in one unit and enables the value-creation chain to be kept virtually completely in-house in the laboratory.  The Ceramill Motion 2 can be used either as a purely dry or wet unit or in combined operation for an unlimited range of materials and indications.

Equipped with the innovative control technology and robust machine concept from Amann Girrbach, the Ceramill Motion 2 is guaranteed to be future-proof, economic and precise.





Chairside Mill


This compact 4-axis milling unit extends in-house fabrication of conventional laboratory indications to include the option of wet grinding/milling.  Titanium abutment blanks can also be processed with this unit in the same way as composites, hybrid and glass ceramics.

The monocoque design, typical for Ceramill units, gives the machine stability and torsion resistance despite its small footprint. In combination with the solid design of the axis system and quiet-running, powerful high-frequency spindle the respective milling strategies can be precisely transferred to the blank using high feed rates.

This is particularly effective when grinding in the “carving mode”.  This innovative grinding process reduces the processing times of single blocks by up to 60%.