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The 10 colour-coded instruments of the CFS Set (yellow: 40 µm, orange: 8 µm) have been developed to perform delicate adjustments and pre-polishing on occlusal and interproximal surfaces or coronal margins of restorations in all types of ceramic restorations.

The shapes correspond to each other, varying only the thickness of the diamond grains. 8 µm diamonds generate a smooth ceramic surface, ideal for subsequent polishing.

Inlays and Onlays with linear occlusion:

The thick reduction of material and the most important contour of the fissures are carried out with the 4223 instrument; fine morphological adjustments and pre-polishing with instrument No. 9223.
Proximal adjustments and pre-polishing are carried out with the oscillating files P2 and P9 (Fig. 4).
The outline of the secondary and tertiary cracks is made with instruments 4205 and 4274 (Figures 1 and 2).
The pre-polishing with 9205 (Fig. 3) and 9274 (inlays and onlays).
The 4305L and 9305L instruments serve for larger vestibular adjustments. The other instruments are for surface details.
The 4305L and 9305L can also be used for finishing and preparation.